Is this course right for me?

People who answer yes to at least 2 of these 3 questions, will benefit most from the course content.

  • Have you ever wondered what a dream was trying to tell you?

    The thing about your dreams is that they have been with you all along and they will continue to be with you. They are just waiting for you to be with THEM! Your dreams speak to you in the language of symbols, emotions, connections to waking life and metaphor! You can learn to understand them on your own!

  • Do you feel a deep calling to live a more fully conscious life?

    As a seeker, your life is unfolding towards something! You understand that there is an inner realm where Hidden things operate outside of your awareness. And if you could only access what they know, you'd have more freedom to live our your consciously-designed life of purpose.

  • Do you wish the inner life wasn't so invisible?

    If people could only see what you sense, then they might be able to grasp how vast and wise you sometimes feel on the inside! This course and others designed by Pam are written for inner pilgrims just like you! You don't have to travel the hidden path alone! Friends unite, here!

Introductory Video

Hear about it from Pam

What you will learn

Designed with different types of learners in mind, the variety of lessons and assignments in this course will help you absorb and take away the following learning objectives.

  • Basic mechanics of sleep and dreams

  • How to keep a proper dream journal (includes a never-before-released "Master Dream Journal" system)

  • An understanding of the Hidden Self and how to hear from yours!

  • How to interpret a dream without using a dream dictionary or Googling symbol meanings

  • The correct way to interpret a dream with a dream dictionary (or Googling symbols)

  • Accountability opportunities to turn your work in for Pam's review and feedback

  • And much, much more! check out the curriculum lesson breakdown below.


  • Can I still take the course if I don't remember my dreams?

    Yes! This course includes ideas to improve dream recall. And focusing on dreams is one of the best ways to start remembering more of them! Plus, all of the lessons provided can be applied to any dreams from any time period in your life! You can still work old dreams and learn so much about your Hidden Self!

  • How long does the course take to complete?

    It is a self-paced course, so the timeline is entirely up to you. The suggested timeline is to complete one module a week for 6 weeks. This will allows for a few nights of sleeping and (hopefully) dreaming between modules so that you can apply what you're learning to dreams in real time.

  • What do you mean by "the Hidden Self"?

    This course is designed to help you understand how dreams give you access to the aspects of yourself that are hidden in the unconscious mind. The Hidden Self refers to the unconscious part of you; and it includes things like your deepest desires, long forgotten memories, and stuck emotions that you are not currently able to reach just by thinking or focusing mentally on them.

  • Will I be able to interpret other peoples' dreams after taking this course?

    Unfortunately, no. Dream interpretation, while sometimes overlapping with others' interpretations, is a very individualized form of connecting directly with your own inner, hidden self. You should not assume after this course that you'll be able to interpret what someone else's Hidden Self is offering to them.

Dreams speak volumes ~ Learn to listen.

Learn to interpret your dreams today!

Course curriculum

    1. Start Here.

    2. A Few Hints For Success

    1. Sleep Mechanics (slides + narration)

    2. Sleep Mechanics (slides only, no narration)

    3. Create Your Own Sleep Plan

    4. Dreams (What, Where, When, Why)

    5. Dreams Review Sheet

    1. Ways to Remember More Dreams

    2. Keeping a Proper Dream Journal

    1. The Ultimate, Master Dream Journal

    2. DIY Master Dream Journal Instructions

    3. Teacher Check-In!

    1. The Hidden Self Lecture: A Game of Hide and Seek

    2. Practice Activity (share w/ me for accountability)

    3. Vocabulary Practice Sheet (color/ black and white)

    1. How to Select a Dream for Interpretation

    2. Anatomy of a Dream Interpreted

    3. Now It's Your Turn!

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 25 lessons
  • Self-paced learning
  • 2 Accountability Check-ins with Pam
  • A BONUS very special surprise message upon completion!


Meet the dream expert behind this course

Dream Expert and Course Instructor Pam Muller

Pam is a dream expert, spiritual director, author, and podcaster. She has been learning and working in the field of dreams for 20 years. She is passionate about engaging people's curiosity. Through private practice, she hosts individual dream interpretation sessions and Spiritual Direction sessions. Pam’s book 33 Ways to Work with Your Dreams: A Beginner’s Guide to Dream Work is available on Amazon and through her website, Pam is on the board of directors for Zeitgeist, a non-profit organization, unaffiliated with any particular religion or faith, providing practice, education and community to Atlanta’s spiritually independent seekers. At Zeitgeist, she serves as the spiritual direction supervisor for the students in their final year of training. As a longtime member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Pam recently accepted the volunteer position of Southeastern U.S. Regional Member Representative. Pam is also a longtime member of Spiritual Directors' International Organization. She lives with her husband and teenage son- together they raise Baxter, a rescue rat terrier mix. When not dreaming, or working, Pam can be found kayaking, drinking coffee and rockhounding (sometimes all at the same time)!

Learning Guarantee

This stellar course will not disappoint! You'll learn so much from each module, guaranteed! But if it's not right for you, let us know within the first 7-days of enrollment. Refunds are available for dissatisfied learners.
owl with white feathers on a darkened background and a speech bubble that reads: Take the course, my friend